
Reventure: Orbtale

Created by Pixelatto Team

Beautiful art, absurd humor and 20 minute fantasy adventures, conveniently packed into a Reventure tabletop game. Get to pre-order your copy of the game here if your missed the Kickstarter!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager Info + New Illustrations
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 05:10:40 AM

Important to read: pledge manager deadlines

Let's begin with this topic as it's the most important for you all to be informed.

First, you should remember that, once you complete the survey, you ARE NOT paying immediately. You’re just confirming your address, shipping, way of payment, etc. to be charged later on.

The payment itself you see in the total balance will be charged from your credit cards on AUGUST 30th.

This means, you have until 2 DAYS PRIOR (August 28th) to confirm that you fulfilled everything required.

Why 2 days prior?

We need that margin because on August 28th we will begin to cancel and refund pledges that:

  •  Aren’t shippable. Those that include the 200$ placeholder. Everyone with this issue, no matter the reason, has been individually contacted and informed. If we don’t receive an answer for agreement with the backer we have no other remedy.
  •  People without an address or payment card added. We send reminder emails to those whose surveys aren’t yet completed, and there are some details like payment card that cannot be added once charge of cards begins.

If your pledge is not subjective to be canceled because of the reasons above, you don't have to worry about that margin.

Once we reach that deadline and charges begin, we will lock orders so we have the exact amount of game copies needed. This means most of the information you provided won’t be changeable anymore, so please confirm your info as well before that date.

But don’t worry, shipping addresses will be the only thing that will be still changeable even after that, until we need to collect them for our fulfillment center. We’ll remind you again when we’re close to lock addresses.

A brief summary of following dates regarding your actions on pledge manager. We'll be more specific as time progresses.

Now let's add some color

Onto a funnier note, we want to show you new art on items and characters! Abilities have changed as well of what you remember from original posts: some of them are even different items of what originally titled. Not the same case for the characters.

These have been decisions seeking for coherence and rule balancing. For example, "The Glove" has ended up being "The Gauntlet", that may sound more familiar to you...

(You can right click and open in new tab to see them closer)

And now new illustrations for characters! We also had a debt with you regarding "The Scientist", we hope you like her skecth reveal!

As always, you have the updated rules on Notion, and the cards are also updated on the TTS Demo

That's all for today's update. We're excited to see what do you think about the new illustrations and abilities. Tell us on comments or in our Discord community. If you're a fan of the project and haven't joined yet, what are you waiting for?

Best of orbs wishes to you all.

- The Pixelatto Team


Message for all European backers
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 06, 2021 at 11:01:26 PM

Hello dear backers.

We have something to announce for all of you whose destination is inside the European Union. Due to an internal error, we didn't take into account the VAT costs related to the shipment, which depends on your country. It's a small increase, but we have to add it to the pledge manager in order to properly process your order. You'll see a slight change in your total balance. Don't worry, the increase isn't a big deal like what happenned last time. We learned from our previous mistake and wanted to warn you before adding it to the platform. 

In the next days, you'll see your total balance on Backerkit modified. Be sure to check it and veriify if the funds are correct. In case you want to leave the campaign for any reason, we still offer refunds in case of nonconformity, by contacting [email protected] (or if you need help with any other issue). As we want to stay transparent, here you have the webpage we were provided for applying the respective percentage (the "Telecommunication Services" column):  EU Current national VAT

We also want to take the opportunity to share a Twitter thread another backer recommended on the comments section. It explains in words of another developer the situation of shipping in this scale. Maybe this clarifies the doubts for those who don't understand these changes yet:

About rules, development and P&P

We'd keep polishing rules until we get into production, preparing everything for the translations and proofread for the general rules and card texts.

About the solo and co-op mode rules, we've already tested some iterations and have quite a solid stage for the co-op. However, we feel like giving you closer-to-final rules so your test games provide a more accurate feedback. Thanks for all the feedback given until now, you really are such an invested community and help the game grow stronger.

Access the P&P if you haven't yet

Some of you were asking if the Print&Play version is updated. And the answer is, not yet. But we've updated the rules and TabletopSimulator demo. The P&P will follow the same path.

The game is already quite stable and the number and size of changes is becoming more and more subtle, we're almos getting there!

Thanks as always for all your feedback and support!

-The Pixelatto Team


Digital rewards and the final Character
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 02:01:19 AM

Hello dear backers. Before the matters of this Update, I must say thank you to all of you who understood the difficult situation behind shipping changes, even if you had to cancel the pledge because of it. Again, we trully apologise for all the inconvenience caused. Now onto the main themes.

 When will Reventure and the Digital goodies be sent?

Both Reventure's Steam key and the Digital Goodies pack will be sent via email to all backers whose pledgees apply. We would like to send them before August, but we can't promise a closed date. We want to share the Reventure experience with you as much as you want to play it, so we won't forget.

The reason is that we're still managing pledge changes and cancelations. We want to send this digital reward emails when the number of backers implied for each reward is as precise as it can be. 

If you're a backer and change your pledge to one with digital rewards after sending this first emails, don't worry because you'll have yours too. We just want to minimize the impact of possible mistakes from these emails so it's more manageable for the team.

We hope you enjoy the game when you get it!

The public has spoken

Almost two weeks ago, we shared with you a poll to choose the last character card from the unlocked KS stretch goal.  After 360+ answers, there are two characters that were very close, but just one is the winner and it is...

The Scientist!!🧪🥳

The Pirate was so close!

We don't have a skect for the card yet, but we can share her ability with you:


Whenever you choose your opponent for combat, you may look at the cards in its hand before playing yours.

We hope you find it interesting and we'll share its artwork as soon as we have it.

Thank you for your attention on this shorter update. Our team is making its best effort to attend all of your inquiries and solve things as fast as the day lets us. And we're also always working in the background on closing doors for the design and production of the game.

Have a nice week.

- The Pixelatto Team


About Shipping
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 01:23:23 AM

Hello dear backers. As you have noticed, we have a bit of trouble with shipping prices, options, and more similar doubts. First, I want to aplogize wholeheartedly because we were meant to add this explanation on the previous update but completely forgot. Please, read carefully the following post. We want to be cristal clear about everything and still solve individual doubts and problems. But I hope this gives a general answer to many of your problems.

Firtsly, sorry if we remained silence during the weekend. We're a small team and still need to rest during the weekends, out of our office shcedule.

My balance shows $200 for shipping... why?

There are two possible reasons for this:

  •  You have a "The Guard" tier. As we told you on the previous post and numerous messages during the survey, this pledge is going to DISAPPEAR due to logistic reasons. We're sorry about that. We set a price of $200 to all backers of this pledge in order to alarm them that their pledge won't be shippable. The platform we're using don't let us making this other way. For solving this, you need to either UPGRADE to "The Hero" and pay the difference; or CANCEL sending an email to [email protected]. Upgrading to "The Hero" you'll pay the normal shipping price for your country (if available).

YOU WON'T BE CHARGED $200 for changing your pledge. Changing is free, we explained where to do it on the survey and on the previous update.

  •  Your shipping destination isn't available for shipping. If your country wansn't listed on the main KS campaign description, I'm sorry to say that we didn't get to make it available. Again, we had to add a "everywhere else" destination price on the platform. So we added the $200 price to warn backers affected. The only option here is to CANCEL as explained above.

Prices are higher than promised... what happened?

We're very sorry that we forgot mentioning this as we were aware it would cause dissatisfaction. There are many different reasons why some of the prices promised have raised, sometimes those reasons differ from one country to another. I'll list some resons bellow:

  •  The obvious: the pandemic. No need of much explanation here. Fulfillment to this domestic scale (and us not being amazon) is crazy right now. We used some prices as a guidance from a company, and estimated what we wanted to offer. But we warned that was an approximation, not closed prices. Unfortunately, we couldn't deliver the exact prices for some of you. We tried to stick to the tighter prices we could, taking some risks in our way. This prices could even change in 4 months time, when we begin shipping process. But It won't change for you, we will deal with all the possible extra cost.
  •  Some countries VAT, customs and so. Here we have some examples like UK and Australia. In the case of UK, Brexit was very harmful. They're know completely out our the EU despite being still inside European territory. This happens as well with some European countries like Switzerland. However, we detected some problems with these countries on Europe being out of our shipping costs. If that's the case please contact us. For Australia, it was impossible getting the better "friendly" deal due to a lower ammount of backers.
  •  EU exceptions and exclusions. Europe countries have 3 different levels: being inside the Eurozone (using € as their coin, like France or Germany); being on the EU but not using € (Like Poland or Denmark) and being  compeltely outside from the political EU (like the UK as we mentioned or Switzerland). As mentioned bellow, if your country is usually included as european but it gives you the high warning price, contact us.

Keep in mind that there are lot's of steps involved in this process. And, despite being pricier, we got a faster manufacturer and we'll get to ship them earlier. 

I'm from The Dragon or The Dark Lord and my shipping is higher... why?

This pledge is counted as if it was an individual copy with an extra copy added. This is because of its larger size and higher weight. We didn't want to get to this point, but we had to because they charge us more as well for this cases. You can always downgrade your pledge to a lower one (The Hero or The Elder) for having the regular shipping price to your destination.

I'm from "The Dragon" and want to see the T-shirt designs

I'm sorry but the designs are still a work in progress. We don't have the exact images, but I can tell you approx how they will look like. They're all white, and the design consists on an adaptation of the main art of the character you choose. You can check those illustrations on the main description page and, for example, our TTS demo.

We'll still be answering all individual questions left. Hopefully, this anwser most of your questions. Again, accept our apologies for all the inconvenience we might have caused you. We'll keep doing our best to deliver the best game, and inform you everytime.

Best wishes, 

- The Pixelatto Team


Pledge Manager and Pre-Orders NOW LIVE
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 11:47:12 PM

Hello Orbtale followers! We finally have the pledge manager open and available for all of you!🎉✨ 

That also means the Pre-order shop is open. You'll find below a tour and explanation on how we'll proceed using backerkit's surveys for everything. Please, read carefully to the end. However you can send us an email to [email protected] if you have any doubt.

Important notice for Guard-Tier Backers

The expansion content (previously known as "Adventurer's Delight") has been included into base game. Due to the low-demand of the basic version, we've decided to merge everything into the "standard". This means the "The Guard" tier has to go. You'll need to either upgrade your pledge OR ask for a pledge cancelation fully refunded. Full satisfaction guaranteed. On your pledge survey you'll learn how to proceed in any case.

BackerKit survey guide

First of all, all surveys will be sent via the pledge manager directly to your email inbox📩. Some of them have already been sent, but they'll be arriving gradually. Please, be sure to check it out often. This will mean the arrival of your digital rewards as well via email any time soon. Here's a guide on how to fill out the survey:

1.Opening email📤

This first survey is for collecting your adresses, your shipping costs and have answers to some questions like language or T-Shirts for Dragons. Click on the big blueish-green button to continue to the platform.

This is the welcoming email

2.Pledge Overview👀

That button will redirect you here. please read carefully all the page. Here you'll be able to adjust your pledge level if you want to clicking on the "Your Pledge level" or "switch your pledge level" hiperlinks. Choose the country you're shipping your game as well. And oh look! Another funky big greeen button. Come on click it!

This is the begining of the survey

3. Answer some questions❓

Fulfill the following bulletpoint questions with your preferences.  The quantity of questions can vary from one pledge to another because of reward differences. Some of them are just informative, and others are for relevant decisions like your language chosen for the game. The Guard pledges will have info about how to upgrade or cancel.

First step on the process

4. Add-ons screen 🤔

As we said, there are no game add-ons available for easier logistic. But there's a tip jar this platform includes in case you want to tip us (not neccesary though, you already supported us a lot with the game). This is also the first screen you'll see your total balance. Whatever you paid in kickstarter is already collected.

Just keep swimming!

5. Shipping info📦

Fulfill carefully and double checking your address and other stuff. This information will be open for change some time, so you can fill it with your current one and maybe update it later if you move. There will be warning emails to all backers when the date for closing the addresses approaches.

Slowly but surely drop your info here

6.Money money money💸

Now check that all the summary is ok and set your credit card info for when we close the surveys and collect that costs.

you're almost done!

And that's all folks, this is the final screen and all of your basic info for your order is set and collected.

Yay ;D

Pre-order Store

On our main campaign page, you can click the huge "Pre-order" button to get to the store (but if you can't for any reason, here you have it:

You have 3 options available. They are late pledges, so they don't have the discounted price the campaign had. Remember that collector's editions such the Dark Lord or The Dragon won't make it to retail, as well as their exclusive rewards. You have more info in the products' descriptions, please read them carefully.

It's like any other online store

And now... time to choose a new hero!

If you remeber well, we promised you that the last hero character unlocked on the campaign will be chosen by YOU😎. Use the following form to vote for your favourite hero from the options given.


About more game and rule changes😱, our rules on Notion have recently been updated by our game designer. The Tabletop Simulator demo is also up-to-date with those rules as well, so that's the fastest way to always test and play the latest iterations.

Right now, the Print&Play edition is outdated but will be reuploaded ASAP.

Thanks again for your constant support and understanding while we were setting this up.

Best of orbs wishes for all of you.

- The Pixelatto Team
