
Reventure: Orbtale

Created by Pixelatto Team

Beautiful art, absurd humor and 20 minute fantasy adventures, conveniently packed into a Reventure tabletop game. Get to pre-order your copy of the game here if your missed the Kickstarter!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

More delays!
5 months ago – Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 07:06:32 AM

Bad news everyone!

Turns out that the shipment provider has even more delays than they anticipated and the USA/Canada copies of the game are estimated to arrive """aproximately""" 2 months from now, instead of before xmas as I was promised. I made a 100% payment of the shipments upfront in order for things to move faster and I get the feel that it has backfired because I don't have that much of a leverage now to push forward.

As for the shipments outside of USA/Canada, they are not even processed yet. I know, terrible.

To be honest, I'm tired of all the issues I've found working with this provider and it'll be a long time before I embark again in some physical product. I won't publicly name the company that is giving me such a headache, but if any of you is working on a game and wants the info for their project I'd have no problem sharing it privately.

On a personal note, I've been doing some digital-detox in the last months, removing all my social media, whatsapp, etc.. I rarely check the comments on the campaing page and/or discord, and when I do I just see "are we there yet?" messages, which is fair on your side, but just push me away even more.

I just want to get over with this and be ablet to fully focus on to my current project, Tabletop Creator, a software to help tabletop game designers with the creation of their game (oh, the irony...).

I'm really sorry about the bad news, I was hoping you could enjoy the game with your close ones during these xmas, but it's not going to be possible.

Please accept my apologies.

- Javi

Every game will be delivered before 2023 ends
8 months ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 01:19:46 AM

Hello everybody,

First things first: sorry again for the long radio silence.

As some of you are already aware, I've been on my own for the last year and things are going slow, but most backers already have their game (~1000). Since I am based in Spain, it was more convenient to prioritize Europe for the first batch of shipments and I get US backers are not used to be second in line, but to be fair the times are getting quite long in any case, so it's on me.

I know there's been no updates since august, and there are a couple of reasons: first I was on vacation for 3 weeks (I always prioritize personal wellbeing before business), and then when I came back the fullfillment company was on vacation too. Also during this year, I've been in the process of dividing my studio into 2 separate companies... and then there's personal stuff. Long story short: I was overwhelmed and there were not many good news to share with you.

About the comments on the project being a failure or not expecting to receive the game: Everybody is getting their game. During the last months the shipment costs have increased even more, and I was looking for a way to deliver the game without being a significant financial hit, including manufacturing it again across sea. Well' I haven't been able to do so in a short time frame, and it's unfair to delay it even further. It's also unfair to ask you guys for another extra in shipment costs... so... to sum up's time for me to take the hit. You'll get the game before year ends and I'll have some financial loss but at least I'll learn the lesson and do my homework better next time :)

I've just emailed the fullfillment company to move forward with the rest of the shipments as soon and fast as possible. It's complicated dates, but I'm going to push things so everybody can have their game before december.

Best regards!

Shipment status update
12 months ago – Mon, May 22, 2023 at 01:53:26 PM

Hello there heroes!

Sorry for the lack of updates. The team has been reduced to -just me- recently and I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work... Everything is Ok though!

I didn't realize there were comments in the comments section of the project because I had the notifications for them turned off (Fali was taking care of them) and I was getting some via discord, DM, email... my bad! Sorry for the unnoticed radio silence there 😅

It's preferred to communicate via Discord in any case: the communication tools of KS are a bit terrible.

Shipment for Spain has concluded (it was the easiest one!) and shipment for European backers will start next week.

As for the rest of the world, I don't want to give another fixed estimate because we've already missed the shot so many times...  so I'll just say soon-ish for now, a few months time.

We're hearing lots of positive feedback from our players and are very happy about it ^^

Wee're also listening to some common doubts and building an updated FAQ for the game (currently only in Spanish) available here:

You are an amazing community and I'll keep working to deliver all the games ASAP.

The only thing I can ask you is a bit more patience. Now that it's just me, I'm doing my best to tackle this beast as fast as possible, and all the "are we there yet" messages are understandable, but they won't get the game to you faster, quite the opposite.

Thanks for your understanding!

P.S: The digital goodies folders was moved. You can access them here:

Orbtale shipping it's getting started!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 02:15:35 AM

Hi adventurers!

This is a regular update, so that you can keep up to date with the project 😙

Production is done!

All the games are ready to be sent and have been reviewed by our team! 🎉 We are really happy with the final results and we hope you like them as much as we do when they arrive at your home 💗 Take a look!

And an extra gif of this gifs making of 🤭

Shipping plan update

We will maintain the same strategy we communicated in the last couple of updates. However, our distributor partner had difficulties giving us a final budget similar to the one we talked about months ago, since some of their third party companies closed.

Everything is solved now and we are ready to start sending Orbtale to all of you, but this caused a delay in our shipping estimated date and we are aiming now to start sending the games along the rest of April.

Any doubt?

Let us know in the comments! 👇🏻

Orbtale production update
about 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 07, 2023 at 05:25:13 AM

Hi adventurers!

This is a regular update, so that you can keep up to date with the project 😙

Production status

It's almost done! Most of the game components are already manufactured or need to be handled a bit more. Take a look at these awesome videos about the production process here and here! 🎉

Shipping plan

We will maintain the same plan we communicated in the last update: taking into account our distributor zones (Spain, European Union, American continent and Rest of the World) we will send the games in this order and wait for a zone shipping to be done before proceeding with the next one.

We are aiming to start sending the games in late March 📅

Oversize t-shirts

We asked for sample t-shirts, and the sizes are a bit oversize. In case you want your shirts to be tight-fitting, we recommend to send us an email to [email protected] asking for a lower size 😉

Any doubt?

Let us know in the comments! 👇🏻